I have several books and reproductions available on Lulu, and a few books available on Amazon. On Lulu especially, it helps to buy more than one book at a time to reduce shipping costs per book.

Purchase Book on Lulu.comMore info
Franklin Golden Syrup RecipesFranklin Golden Syrup
Gods & Monsters rulebookLulu, Nisus, and Me
The Horsford Cook-BookVintage reproductions
Illustrious CastleIllustrious Castle
Lost Castle of the AstronomersRevised Lost Castle
Mrs. Winslow’s Domestic Receipt Book for 1876Mrs. Winslow’s 1876
The New Centennial Cook BookNew Centennial
Rumford Recipes for Cake and Cookie Making, Biscuits, Muffins, Rolls, Etc.Rumford Sliding Cookbooks
Tempt Them with Tastier Foods: Recipes of Eddie DoucetteIGA Chef Eddie Doucette
A Traveling Man’s Cookery BookRambling Recipes
Purchase Book on Amazon.comMore info
42 Astoundingly Useful Scripts and Automations for the Macintosh42 Astounding Scripts is live!
The Dream of Poor BazinThe Dream of Poor Bazin
The Missing Index: For the Cookbooks of the Saint Mary’s Altar Society of Brunswick and Hesperia MichiganSt. Mary Cookbooks
SuperBASIC: The ManualText to image filter
A Traveling Man’s Cookery BookRambling Recipes
Unofficial Index of the Southern Living Cookbook LibrarySouthern Living index


A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks. — Thomas Jefferson (Letter to Peter Carr)