Lebanese Tomato Salad: Slatat al-Banadura (Tomato Salad) from the 1974 Lebanese Cuisine.; seventies; 1970s; salad; Lebanon; tomatoes; garlic; cucumbers; onions; recipe

The Arabic name (if I’m grokking the format correctly) for this is slatat al-banadura. The combination of ingredients is the best simple salad I’ve ever made. This is a quick recipe to make. While it certainly gets better over a few hours, you can eat it immediately; it will still be a hit.

The cucumbers are technically optional. I reduce the olive oil if I’m leaving them out. I also often add a tablespoon or so of chopped jalapeño. And I often use red onions, because I like red onions in fresh salads. I’ve even added chopped avocado. The abundance of lemon juice helps keep the avocado green in the salad, and adds a nice touch of fattiness to it.

Drop in again soon for another vintage recipe! I’ll have a different recipe every Sunday afternoon throughout the year. Keep an eye on this page or subscribe to the RSS feed for further details. You can also browse past featured Club recipes as well as some of the vintage promotional cookbooks I’ve used as sources. And I collect many of these recipes in A Traveling Man’s Cookery Book.

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Don’t make cooking a science. Adapt it as an art. — Vrest Orton (Cooking with Wholegrains)